High School Wellness Week

A friend & colleague was recently asked to teach yoga to high school students during their “Wellness Week”. Though she is a great yoga teacher, she asked me and another teacher to come along and assist, not knowing how many students she would be teaching. Eventually, the three of us decided to split the students into rotating groups, so that students could learn in a smaller group format.

At the station I was running, I introduced the neuroscience, breath, and mindfulness components of Mindful Moving Kids. We talked about how controlling our breath can help control our emotions and physical reactions, and practiced breathing strategies for calming as well as increasing focus. The majority of students were willing to engage in the practices and discussion, even though they may have felt shy or too conspicuous initially. In fact, after ending each session with a guided meditation, one student said “That was magical!” In talking with the other two instructors, they had similar experiences. We all noted (and were perhaps relieved to find) that while there were a handful of students who may have appeared initially reluctant, most began attempting poses or strategies as they witness their peers doing so.

I can’t know which, or how many, students will take the lessons we shared and utilize them moving forward. But, at the very least, I know that I impacted one student and helped her feel at least a few moments of peace. And really, that’s what MMK and BMH Wellness are all about: assisting others to Be More Healthful and Be More Happy.

So grateful for the experience - Lisa, you are inspiring and appreciated - thank you for inviting me along!

beth hardy